Independent Component 2
Title: Independent Component 2
Label: Independent Component
Due Date: Monday, 4/27 by 8AM
(a) “I, Brandon Salinas, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 45 hours and 50 minutes of work.”
(b) The book "Hip Hop Dance (The American Dance Floor)" by Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar, as well as Urban Dance Camp channel on has helped me achieve what i needed to learn for this component.
(c) My independent Component hours can be found HERE
(d) i choreographed routines and taught the choreography to people who do not know how to dance or never tried, for example the powderpuff routine. I also choreographed a routine for the dance elective for the final pep rally event. My final event i did was choreograph and teach kids for a sweet 16 surprise dance. All these consisted in having to make choreography by myself and later teach people who knew how to dance as well as people who did not learn how to dance and i gained experience from both circumstances.
Because my essential question is about choreography and dance performances, doing these events is a great way to get to know a better perspective in teaching and making your own routine. Having to come up and teach three routines made me use all the helpful tools i learned from these past few months. When it came to the Powderpuff routine, i had to make the meetings and choreography but let the guys who joined the team come up with which music they want to dance to. This was a great way to get the team to dance what they wanted to and become more confident with themselves as well as me having to learn how to choreograph something i did not choose to dance to, it was a win win experience. The many hours of practice with the boys made me realize my best answer for this project, which is having to know how to practice in any type of environment, because of having to always move around due to the construction and cal poly events, like archery, to learn the routine. The performance itself was a learning experience as well, because i had to teach the guys how to make facials expressions and learn how to breathe, which falls into my first answer.
overall, this independent component has helped me strongly agree about my first 2 answers for my essential question, i saw a clear understanding in how its hard to teach and practice choreography in an environment thats not meant to be dancing but having the skill to do so can greatly make your dancing and performance better in both short and long run. Teaching the boys in the dance elective was also a good way to learn about facial expressions and performing with them, because they have experience in dancing, i could focus more on other things like positions and facial expressions to get a better performance out of them.
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